- https://doc.dddproject.eu website, referred to herein as the Site, operates upon the rules set forth in the Terms and Conditions hereunder.
- Terms and Conditions define the kind and scope of services supplied electronically by the https://doc.dddproject.eu Site, specify the rules upon which these services are rendered, the conditions of entering into and terminating contracts for rendering the services online and also respective complaint processing.
- These Terms and Conditions are directed towards individual Consumers as well as Entrepreneurs using services provided by the Site. They define the lawful use of the Site and how a Customer may enter into a distant Contract of Sale via the Site.
- Once a Recipient of Services undertakes activities with the purpose of using the Electronic Services at https://doc.dddproject.eu they are bound to follow the regulations contained in these Terms and Conditions.
- For matters not defined in these Terms and Conditions respective laws apply:
- The Act on Rendering Electronic Services, title in Polish: Ustawa o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r. (Dz. U. Nr 144, poz. 1204 ze zm.)
- The Act on Consumer Rights titled in Polish: Ustawa o prawach konsumenta z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. (Dz. U. 2014 poz. 827)
- Respective provisions of the civil code- in Polish: Kodeks cywilny z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. (Dz. U. nr 16, poz. 93 ze zm.) as well as other applicable provisions of Polish law.
- CONTACT FORM – a form available at https://doc.dddproject.eu, the Site, which enables the Recipient of Services to get directly in touch with the Service Supplier.
- TERMS AND CONDITIONS – the definitions and regulations herein.
- SERVICE SUPPLIER Agata Kokocińska Kusiak running a business entity Agata Kokocińska Kusiak Ethoplanet, with the registered address: Owocowy Sad 53/3, 05-500 Piaseczno, the address for service: ul. Władysława Jagiełły 42, 05-500 Łbiska, NIP (tax number): 9482512044, REGON (National Business Registry Number): 380859848, recorded in the Central Register (CEiDG), e-mail: akokocinska@ethoplanet.com, tel. 515314476
- RECEPIENT OF SERVICES – a natural person, business entity or an organization without legal personality, which under the binding law has a legal capacity to use Electronic Services
- ELECTRONIC SERVICES- services rendered electronically by the Service Supplier through the Site.
- Customer – every person or entity doing shopping through the Site.
- A distance contract – a contract concluded with a Customer within an organized distance contract conclusion scheme (within the framework of the Site) without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the exclusive use of one, or more than one, means of distance communication, up to and including the moment the contract is concluded.
- Order – a declaration of intent, submitted through the Order Form aiming at the direct conclusion of a Contract of Sale of a Product/Products offered by the Trader.
- Account – the account at the Shop, containing the data provided by the Customer and the information on their orders filed in through the Site.
- Registration Form – a form available at the Site, which enables the creation of the Account.
- Order Form – an interactive form, available at the Shop, which makes it possible to file an Order, in particular, by means of adding products to the Cart and defining terms and conditions of a Contract of Sale and delivery and payment options.
- Cart – a part of the Shop software, which makes it possible to see the Products selected by a Customer as well as to establish and modify the data of an Order, especially the number of Products.
- Product – a movable object or a service which becomes the subject of a Contract of Sale between the Customer and The Trader.
- Contract of Sale – an agreement to sell a Product, being processed or already concluded between the Customer and the Trader through the Internet Shop. The Contract of Sales means also- in the context of a Product features – services agreement and a contract for the performance of a specified task.
- Shop – a shop at Ethoplanet with products for animals and their carers: ‘EthoShop’ in https://ethoplanet.com/sklep/
- Course – a workshop, course, training, conference any and other training service presented as the Training Offer at https://ethoplanet.com/kursy/ bookmark at the Site.
- On-line course – a course run via an e-learning platform.
- On-site course – a course run at a physical location with the address provided at the website of the course.
- Consultation – an individual service including the consultations on animal behaviour and individual classes concerning animal training.
- NEWSLETTER – an Electronic Service, which enables the Recipient of Services to subscribe and receive free of charge information from the Service Supplier
- In the broadest legally acceptable scope, the Trader is not liable for the interruptions in the operation of the Site caused by force majeure, unlawful actions of the third party or the incompatibility of the Site with a Customer’s infrastructure.
- Browsing the content of the Shop does not require an Account. Filing Orders for the offered Products is possible either upon the creation of an Account in compliance with § 6 of these Terms and Conditions, or through filing the necessary personal and address data which make the realization of the Order possible without opening the said Account.
- The prices provided at the Site are in PLN and include VAT.
- The final amount to be paid by the Customer includes the price of the Product and the delivery cost (among others transport, delivery and postal service fees), which the Customer is informed about by the content of the Site, during the process of filing the Order and also in the moment of expressing the intent to enter into the Contract of Sales.
- The Service Supplier makes the following Electronic Services available:
- use of the Contact Form
- use of the Newsletter
- purchase of an attendance at an online conference
- Electronic Service rendered for the Recipients complies with the conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions
- In order to purchase attendance at a conference, one must fill in the Registration Form. It is necessary to include the name, surname, e-mail address, affiliation.
- Logging into one’s Account is possible upon entering a login and the password generated through the Registration Form.
- At every moment, without stating a reason and without any charges a Customer can remove their Account through sending a respective request to the Trader via e-mail or via regular mail service at the addresses in § 3.
To file an Order, it is necessary to:
- select a Product which is the subject of the Order, and then click ‘Do koszyka’ (Add to Cart)
- click ‘Zamawiam i płacę’ (‘Order and Pay’)/ click the ‘Order and Pay’ button and confirm the purchase by clicking the link sent in the e-mail message,
- choose one of the available methods of payment and accordingly
- pay the amount within the defined time, subject to § 6 pkt 3
- The Customer may use the following methods of payment.
- Bank transfer to the Trader’s account.
- E-payments
- Detailed information on delivery options and methods of payment is available in the content of the Site.
- Contract of Sale comes into existence once the Customer files an Order through the Form at the Site in accordance with § 7 of Terms and Conditions.
- When an Order is filed the Trader immediately confirms its receipt and begins to process the transaction. The confirmation upon the receipt of the Order and its acceptance for processing is done through a respective e-mail message delivered to the Customer’s e-mail address provided in the Form. The message should contain the declaration from the Trader that they have received and accepted the Order, begun its processing and confirm their entering into the respective Contract of Sales. Once the Customer receives such a message the Contract of Sales is fully concluded.
- In case of payment by transfer or e-payments the Customer is bound to perform the payment within seven calendar days upon the day of the Contract conclusion, otherwise the Order is cancelled.
- Electronic services defined in sections 4 1a and 1b of the Terms and Conditions are free of charge.
- The duration of the contract:
- Electronic Services Agreement which enables a Customer to send a message by the Contact Form is entered into for a limited time and is terminated when the Recipient of the Service either sends or stops the message from being sent.
- Electronic Service Agreement that makes the Newsletter available is concluded for an unlimited period.
- Technical requirements necessary to use the Supplier’s ICT system
- a computer with the Internet access
- e-mail access
- Internet browser
- Cookies and Javascript options turned on in the browser
- The Recipient of Services is bound to use the Site in the way that is legal, acceptable and respectful of personal and property rights of the third party.
- The Recipient of Services is bound to provide the data that are true to facts.
- The Recipient of Services is not allowed to provide the content of unlawful nature.
- The termination can be effective in case of an Electronic Service that is continuous and unlimited in time (use of Newsletter). The Recipient of Services can terminate the contract with an immediate effect, without justification, upon sending a relevant declaration at akokocinska@ethoplanet.com
- The Supplier of Services can terminate Electronic Services Agreement which is continuous and unlimited in time when the Recipient of the Services violates the Terms and Conditions, especially, when they keep sharing a content of unlawful nature despite having been asked to cease the activity within a suggested time framework. In such cases the contract ceases to exist within seven days upon the day the declaration of intention to terminate it was filed. (the period of notice)
- The notice is followed by the termination of the legal relation effective for the future.
- The Service Supplier and Recipient can terminate the Electronic Services Agreement at any time upon their mutual consent.
- As results from the nature of the service the Consumer cannot rescind the Contract of Sales (Legal basis: provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights titled in Polish: art. 38 ustawy o prawach konsumenta)
- Complaints related to rendering Electronic Services supplied through the Site may be filed by e-mail at akokocinska@ethoplanet.com
- The basis for the return or complaint is a respective receipt or invoice.
- The said e-mail message should contain as much relevant information and circumstances as possible, in particular the nature and date of the problem occurrence and the contact details.
- The Supplier of Services processes a complaint promptly, not later than within 14 days.
- The response to a complaint is e-mailed to the Recipient of Services to the address provided in the notice of complaint or delivered in any other way indicated by them therein.
- Detailed information concerning available out of court methods of resolving complaints and pursuing claims as well as the rules upon which these tools may be applied in Poland are available at the offices and sites of district or city authorities, consumer rights advisers, community organisations with the statutory objective to protect consumers, Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection or at the following Internet addresses belonging The Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK)
http://www.uokik.gov.pl/spory_konsumenckie.php; http://www.uokik.gov.pl/sprawy_indywidualne.php http://www.uokik.gov.pl/wazne_adresy.php.
- The consumer has the following exemplary options to resolve complaints and pursue claims:
- The Consumer is entitled to turn to a permanent arbitration court, which is mentioned in the provisions of Act on Trade Inspection referred to in Polish as art. 37 ustawy z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. o Inspekcji Handlowej (Dz.U. z 2014 r. poz. 148 z późn. zm.) with a motion to resolve amicably a dispute resulting from a Contract between them and the Trader.
- The Consumer is entitled to apply to a Provincial Inspectorate for Trade Inspection in accordance with provisions of the Act on Trade Inspection referred to in Polish as art. 36 ustawy z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. o Inspekcji Handlowej (Dz.U. z 2014 r. poz. 148 z późn. zm.) to start arbitration proceedings to resolve amicably a dispute between them and the Trader
- The Consumer may obtain a free of charge support in the settlement of a dispute between them and the Trader also from a district consumer advocate or a community organization with statutory duties which include the protection of consumers (among others: Polish Consumer Federation, Association of Polish Consumers)
- The whole content at https://doc.dddproject.eu , is under the copyright protection and the property of https://ethoplanet.com. The Recipient of the Services is fully responsible for the damage suffered by the Supplier of Services which results from the Recipient’s use of any part of the content of the Site without a consent of the Supplier of the Services.
- Any use of any part constituting the text and the content of the Site unauthorized by the Supplier of Services committed by any Party is a violation of the Supplier’s copyright and results in civil and criminal liability.
- The Trademark of Ethoplanet is registered and its use requires a consent from the owner.
- The Party and the Customer are not liable for the violation of the duties resulting from the Contract, when the exclusive reason for the violation is the operation of force majeure.
- Force majeure means an occurrence or a chain of events or circumstances independent of the Party and the Customer, which render the performance of contractual duties essentially difficult or impossible and which the Party and the Customer could not have foreseen and prevented or overcome through acting with due diligence.
- Should force majeure occur the administrator of the Site or the Customer are bound to inform the other party in writing about the situation with the estimation of the foreseeable duration of the resulting impediment in the realization of the contractual duties.
- The contracts the Parties enter into comply with Polish law.
- Where any discrepancies between these Terms and Conditions and the law arise, the problematic provision shall be replaced by Polish law.
- The Terms and Conditions become binding as of April 1, 2020.